anthropologie // day twenty-nine


Anthropologie. Have you been there? Ok, I know what you're thinking - what, that place where nothing is priced below $120? - well, first of all, that's not true. Sale items can get as low as three bucks! And second of all, it's totally worth it. Every piece is original and stitched with quality material. Oh, and did I mention how extremely adorable the store is? I don't know who could walk into that store and not get a burst of inspiration. Sometimes I walk in, and wish that I could never leave.

Have you ever been to Anthropologie?


  1. I've never been there, but I've heard sooo many good things about it. I need to find one and go! :)

  2. oh my word, i know. i walked in and seriously lost control. everything is expensive but woah-why to get inspired! :)

  3. Haven't been to anthropology, but if i come across one, i'm jumping right in. ;)
